This nurse has a very good feel for the role of elders in the hospital. Quoting a paragraph from the article:
"Another important aspect of this case had to do with the congregationand the elders. They would come in, especially during her lastadmission, to visit her. We felt like they were checking upon her. They would come in to watch and to ask questions andto see what we were doing and to see what we were hanging. Ifwe went in and hung the bovine hemoglobin while they were there,she would say to them, "This isnt blood." She would haveto clarify what was being hung. We felt like we were being watchedto make sure that we were doing the right thing according totheir beliefs. When she went to the MICU, there was always someonethere, watching to make sure that no one would hang blood. Therewas a lack of trust. "